Installing TP-Link Powerlne with existing NetGear

Used Products:

I've had Netgear Powerline adapters around my house for years and they have worked well. However, I needet to improve the WiFi signal in a far corner and tp-link claimed that their Powerline equipment was completely compatible with other vendor equipment used the current standard. My NetGear adapters (AV200) did in fact interact with the tp-link devices, but it took awhile to figure out how to get that to happen. After many attempts to push the right buttons, I installed the tpPLC Utility and that did the trick. I went through the "Add Device" function using the 16-character Powerline ID for my device and the utility set up the tp-link WPA4220 adapter. All my adapters from both vendors are now working perfectly. The only complaint I have is that the various numbers on the product label, including the Powerline ID I needed, are printed with extremely small type. Thanks to TP-Link for producing a very effective Powerline Wi-Fi Extender. Once I tried the tpPLC utility to get it installed and working, things went very well.



Interesting story!

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