Multiple AC1200 Extenders in 2200 Sq Ft House
I tried using two of the AC1200 range extenders in a 2200 sqr foot house (not just because of size, but because of tile walls) and there's been an almost constant conflict between them. If I reset all wifi, including main router, they work well for a little while. At some point in time though, I start notcing them seemingly cancelling each other out. My devices have a hard time connecting to the network and neither extender appears in the "My Devices" tab in the Tether app. If I go down to just one, it works fine by itself, but no devices ever connect to it. I'm sure the signal is weak in the corner of the house farthest away from the main router though, because I lose two wifi bars. I guess these things are really that weak and useless...unless someone has some suggestions?