AX3000 Wi-Fi 6 Router was off this morning
The router has been acting perfectly since installing it about a month ago. This morning when I looked at it all the green lights on the front of the router were off. The power cord was plugged in correctly. I pushed the power button on the unit once to off and I pushed it again to on and the router came to life. There was no power outage during the night. Does anyone know why the router turned off? Has anyone had the same experience? What can be done so that doesn't happen again? Incidentally under advanced features the LED control is on and night mode is not enabled and the router time is correct. Looking at the system log the last entry was odd - it shows a time of 1970-01-01 00:00:27, Type LED Controller, Level Info, and Log Content [1414]Service Start. Unfortunately the only thing I didn't do was to check whether or not the Wi-Fi was actually down or just the lights were off. If it happens again I will check whether or not the Wi-Fi is on first. Even so, without night mode disabled the system lights should have been on.