OpenWRT User found fix for C2300 Wifi Drops
Please broadcast this to where it needs to go. I've had no luck getting any attention to my multiple threads. They either dissappear or can't be navigated to anymore.
I, along with hundreds of customers around the world, have been plagued with constant 5Ghz wireless issues.
I found a post on the OpenWRT community (frankly because I was about to forego my warranty since TP-Link chooses to do nothing) that explains how they fixed wifi drops:
I had this issue. Today I was capable to solve it in Tp-Link Archer C7 v2.
Ssh, go to /etc/config and edit the "wireless" file. In the wifi-iface where you define your Wifi SSID, you have to add this: option disassoc_low_ack '0'
You'll have something like this:
config wifi-iface
option device radio1
option network lan
option mode ap
option ssid OpenWrt
option encryption psk2
option key thisisnotagoodpassword
option disassoc_low_ack 0
After this, my wifi connection is stable and I haven't had any wifi drops.
I hope that this work for you.
Tip: This will serve specially if in the System logs appears the message "disconnected due to excessive missing ACKs" just before the wifi drops.
If it's possible to do this on a C7, then it's possible for a C2300. TP-Link, the floor is yours.