403 Forbidden to interface after setting VLAN
I'm so stuck...
When I change the AP to multi-ssid and enable VLAN, everything works, except I can no longer access the interface on WiFi or Ether net
I can see AP on my router
It has an IP address
I have verified its getting port 80 and used the link in my router to attempt log-in
I'm on the same segment
I've updated the firmware
And I spent a few hours with my router/firewall box manufacturer confirming its not the router isolating he VLANS
I"ve tried different devices and cleared my cache
When I try to log in I get "403 forbidden"
I'm so stumped.
The only thing I can think of is the AP is being smart and isolating the VLANs inside its self, like a auto feauter.
I've also talked to support and they said they have not idea.
I'm about 18 hours into trying to fix this over 3 days. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!