IP/MAC binding "OR" address reservation
I have searched several times this subject, i.e. "IP/MAC binding vs address reservation" and found the difference very well explained in several spots.
However, what I have not found, is regarding if I should choose one or the other, or is it possible to have both?
It is not clear to me if the "settings web page" of this router will let me have both.
I have tried to program both to grant access for my new cell phones when they are at home, but it just lets me have one or the other.
However, other devices seem to be programmed for both.
The problem is that I don't remember how I ended up with both binding and address reservation on those devices.
So, should it be
1- "IP/MAC binding" OR "address reservation"?
2- "IP/MAC binding" AND "address reservation"?
3- something else?
If it should be both, what is the procedure that will be accepted by the router?