Dropped internet connection
I have Spectrum internet. Noticed Wi-Fi going down intermittently as a new onset problem in recent weeks. Contact with Spectrum tech said modem was fine but couldn't see my router, therefore, "bad router". ASUS Router was several years old so I chose to purchase new router, the AX 1800. Up and running easily but seeing red LED light coming on intermittently as often as several times an hour with corresponding drop in WiFi. Usually lasts only a few minutes and returns to normal. Can't see anything helpful in System Log. Also note that I have a Verizon cell network extender being fed off the router via Ethernet cable. Of course cell extender goes down, too. Can the cell network extender interfere with the internet connection? If so, could it be due to side-by-side location of the router and the extender creating interference? I am experimenting with following the drop frequency with cell extender disconnected, but I was having dropped connections before I got the cell extender. Any thoughts? Any router settings changes that would help?