Sensor Notifications from Voice Assistants, Hubs, and TVs

Released On: a week agoLast update time: a week ago

Depending on the type of sensor, it is possible to be alerted of a change to your sensor across all your phones, smart speakers, TVs, and hubs – keeping you one step ahead of a potential disaster.


Configure Voice Notifications for Tapo Devices in Google Home

Enabling Voice Notifications for a Device in the Google Home App will allow all of your connected Google Hubs, Smart Speakers, and TVs to announce that Motion has been detected or a water leak has been sensed.


Navigate to Your Google Home App and Select Your Sensor from the List of Connected Devices. Then, navigate to the Device Settings, find the Menu Option for “Voice Notifications,” and Enable the Feature.


Supported Sensors and Devices for Voice Notifications: Motion Sensor, Water Leak Sensor, Cameras

N/A: Temperature and Humidity Sensors, Contact Sensors


Looking for Additional Control in the Google Home App? You can use your Motion and Contact, and Humidity Sensor with any Google Home Automation or Routine.



Configure Voice Announcements for Tapo Devices in Amazon Alexa

Amazon’s Announcement feature is more robust than Google’s; however, some devices, such as sensors, require manual configuration instead of a simple toggle. In the Alexa App, you can find simple toggles in the device settings for your smart cameras.

(Ensure that the corresponding activity type notification and detection is enabled in the Tapo App.)


Supported Devices for Voice Announcements: Smart Cameras

Supported Devices via Routine: Camera, Temperature, Motion, Contact, Water Leak Sensor


For other device types, such as sensors, Alexa’s Routines can be used to create notifications with your smart speakers and other devices. From the Alexa App: ‘More’ > ‘Routines’ > ‘+’ in Upper Right.


Configure Notifications for Tapo Devices in Apple Home

Our team recommends checking out Apple’s official FAQ on configuring notifications for your smart home accessories. The FAQ will guide you through the process of configuring and customizing the notifications that your phone and speakers receive.

Get Notifications For Your Smart Home Accessories.



For an example of how you can push your automations to the next level, check out this discussion for a setup using a Tapo Temperature Sensor and the Pushcut Integration available in Apple Home:

Reddit: Tapo H100 and Apple Home



*Please Note that Actual Compatibility and Feature Sets depend on your app, hub, device, and platform versions - with many of these controls and settings being outside the control of our teams. We recommend checking out what is possible for your own devices. If you have difficulties, feel free to ask any questions below.
