LB130 disconnects and unable to re-establish connection on Kasa app
Too much hassle for the convenience it gives, I have come to last resort.
It's not the first time since my purchase of this product 2 years ago,
this device will disconnect every few months and cause a massive scene to get reconnection.
The connection is impossible and when it finally happens, the app won't be finishing the connection phase as it never ends.
Quite literally, I've waited up to 20 minutes.
I would have to just force quit and check if any connection is there, sometimes, like 1 out of 10 times, it would have the bulb in control somehow.
Then, it would lose the connection in the next 5 minutes.
Kasa app won't even connect on Google home.
It's just too much trouble for lighting.
My 2.4 Wifi is very healthy and running fine.
No VPN running.
Other Smart device works fine on same network.
My phone is on 2.4 network.
Done full hard reset on the bulb, no change.
Tried choosing the Lightbulb's wifi instead, but after it tries to connect to 2.4, nothing proceeds.
If there is no solution to this, I really think I will have to opt-out of the line of product.