KL130 setup issues
I am having issues with my KL130 bulbs, I just bought two, here is the issue, then I will list what I have tried:
When connecting i find the bulb, connect to it, find my wifi, enter the password, change to the wifi when promted, then it spends a long time spinning, after about 2minutes the bult blinks 3times again, then after a minute or two more I get a failed message in the KASA application.
I have tried:
checked my wifi password, 2 times. checked spelling, each time.
Both bulbs
using them closer to the router, and getting full strenght
Different soccet, just to see.
Tried to disable my Pihole and see. still nothing, and I have whitelisted the Kasa sites, but they where not beeing blocked anyways.
Does anyone have any idea of why the setup is not completing?