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Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2021-11-15 03:25:49
Re:HS220 slow coming on
@Solla-topee Running Windows 10. Here's a screenshot of the console after it fails to upgrade a HS220 v2.
Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2021-11-11 22:42:38
Re:HS220 slow coming on
Really trying to upgrade here on Windows but the upgrade continues to fail. Last message I get is "Download status is 6." I know your instructions say failure is okay and to check anyway, but the...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2021-11-10 02:32:02
Re:HS220 slow coming on
Hi @Solla-topee this is great news and I'm excited to update. Unfortunately I am unable to install the beta software myself due to technical issues but I trust that others will test it. I will wait...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2021-01-20 13:44:14
Re:HS220 slow coming on
@DBKAsa @JohnnyBoy22 @eneka @Tim8480 I figured it out (they do it on purpose)! Here's the reply I got from support: "HS220 has the function of single-click and double-click, so the action cannot be...