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Forums/ Switches
By Tmoran000 2020-03-31 23:22:40

POE Power issue on TL-SG1016PE help

so I have had this poe switch for about 2 years and it seems that every single time i need to hook something new to the POE port for a POE camera I have a hell of a time getting it to power after mult
Forums/ Routers
By acolmenares 2020-04-01 04:20:46

Aggregate bandwidth

I've been trying to bond/aggregate my two Wan connections, but I don't seem to find the option. I can only balance loads between the two wan connections. Any idea where I can do that on the router set
Forums/ Routers
By tbee 2020-04-01 19:07:51

TL-er5120 load balance isp disconnected Fema/Tema Radio Station

Q: what happens with the internet signal if I hook up my TL-er5120 to 2 isp's, to a switch with 3 pc's attached to switch, and 1 of the isp's get disconnected. should the pc's still receive the intene
Forums/ Routers
By NuxBsd 2020-04-01 20:20:18

Impossible Port forwarding TL-ER6020 V2 router

Hello, Is there a problem with the TL-ER6020 V2 router regarding NAT ? It is impossible to forward a port to a server in the LAN ! I have an R600 VPN V4 router and it works directly ! Why doesn't it w
Forums/ Switches
By authensis 2020-04-02 10:59:20

Configuration support for our switch is required

Hello there, my company owns a T2600G-28TS(TL-SG3424) and we want to use it for internal LAN and sip telephony. We need support to configure it for our needs. Do you know a specialist (company or pers
Forums/ Routers
By alexman 2020-04-02 08:11:24

ER6020 L2TP ERROR 788

I tried to setup a l2tp connection between a laptop and ER6020 remote router. I get the error 788 like in the picture.I added config here. Please tell me where I am wrong.Thank you