AX50 connected with TL-SG108E by GAP

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AX50 connected with TL-SG108E by GAP

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AX50 connected with TL-SG108E by GAP
AX50 connected with TL-SG108E by GAP
2020-03-15 02:01:09
Model: AC50  
Hardware Version: V1
Firmware Version: 1.0.6 Build 20200121 rel.54912

Model: Archer AX50 & TL-SG108E(UN) Ver. 4.0




I would like to use link aggregation to enhance my network speed. The connection is as the following.


Internet <==> AX50 Port 3 & 4 (LAG) <==> TL-SG108E Port 1 & 2 (LAG) <==> NAS, PC, Printer...


After the setting and waiting around 3-5 minutes, the machines (NAS, PC, Printer) could get the IP address and link to internet. However, the network connection is not stable. The machines can't link internet after around 20-30 minutes and re-link to internet again. And, sometimes the speed is slower than without LAG (Only Giga Ehternet connection between AX50 and TL-SG108E).


My questions are:

1. Is my network connection correct? Can AX50 and TL-SG108E work normally when connect together by LAG? 

2. If the connection is correct, is there any step-by-step setting guide for setup LAG for this network connection?


Thanks a lot!



1 Reply
Re:AX50 connected with TL-SG108E by GAP
2020-03-16 11:21:23



Hello Ian, thanks for your information. The current network diagram should be fine, and below is the instruction to setup Link Aggregation.


We will do further analysis to locate this issue and try to figure it out. 


1. What is the led status of the Archer AX50 when you lost internet connection? Please connect your computer to the AX50 directly, bypass the switch and verify whether you can access internet or not.


2. At that time, please connect your computer to the AX50/switch and click here to get its IP address and gateway; try to ping the gateway of the main router and show us the ping results. And please ensure that there is no IP conflict between the AX50 and the TP-Link switch. 


3. What is the bandwidth you paid? And what is the actual speed you can get from the router with LAG enabled/disabled? 


Good day. 



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