Missing or Deleted Threads

Missing or Deleted Threads

Missing or Deleted Threads
Missing or Deleted Threads
2021-03-19 09:58:24 - last edited 2024-01-10 09:27:35

We have received some feedback regarding missing and/or deleted threads and would like to address this feedback.  There are a few instances where a thread might go missing or will get deleted.  These include but are not limited to:  Violations of the community guidelines,  posting a reply to a thread irrelevant to the subject of the thread, posting a thread in the incorrect community or posting duplicate information to a thread that already exist on the community.  These actions are an effort of quality control to keep posts on subject and relevant to the thread itself and to keep the community a respectful, useful resource for our customers.


Community members will be notified in their accounts messages or notifications of a moved or deleted thread.  You will know you have a message or notification if you have a red number next to your username in the upper right had corner of the screen.


TP-Link currently operates 3 communities:


Global:  https://community.tp-link.com/en

US:  https://community.tp-link.com/us

Mexico:  https://community.tp-link.com/mx


If you have requested a deletion of your TP-Link cloud account, which is associated with the community, all of your posts and replies will be deleted accordingly from the community, and that is irretrievable.


Our Guidelines are available on the Community's main page, but you can also refer to them here.  



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Views: 869

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