OC300 Advanced Configuration
Greetings. I'm working with the above controller and 9 EAPs, 245, 225 and a 620. Everything is working fine as is but I want to do some fine tuning under Advanced features, off the Settings Menu.
The problem I'm having is each time I check the Advanced Features box, make any changes and try to Save, I get the Invalid Request Parameters pop-up. If I back off from making any changes and only enable Advanced Features and try to Save it, I still get the Invalid Request Parameters pop-up. Is there something else i need to enable before selecting this option so that it can be successfully enabled? I wouldn't think just enabling the Advanced Features option would be considered an invalid request. If I uncheck Advanced Features and click Save it works fine.
The features I'm trying to enable are Band Steering and Fast Roaming.
Thanks for the help in advance.