How to open separate local and remote ports?
I probably have a stupid question but I need help. Please..
I need to open these ports:
Remote UDP/TCP 5060, 5061
Remote UDP/TCP 53, 67, 68
Remote TCP 80, 443
Remote UDP 123
Remote TCP 5822
Local UDP/TCP 11780 to 11880
Remote UDP 10000 to 20000
Question 1:
I do not have such things as "Remote" or "Local" ports on my Deco settings so I assume these are "External" and "Internal" ones. Correct?
If I'm correct, then question 2.
Question 2:
I can add Remote (External) ports as a single or in range without Local (Internal) ones. But I CAN'T add a range of Local (Internal) ports without the same amount of Remote (External) ones. But as I mentioned I need to add Local UDP/TCP 11780 to 11880.