Deco app on Android not issuing alerts?

Deco app on Android not issuing alerts?

17 Reply
Re:Deco app on Android not issuing alerts?
2024-05-17 10:49:23

  @David-TP Thanks for the rapid response.


I've got 3.7.34 installed, and the firmware on the units is 1.6.1 Build 20231227 Re. 80438


Not sure if that makes it a v2 or not?  Is that something I can only check physically on the device itself?  I'm in work currently away from the units.

Re:Deco app on Android not issuing alerts?
2024-05-17 11:23:14


Hi, It should be V2.

The message box can be viewed via remote control. Can you receive any notification in the Deco APP here:


If there are messages here, you could go to Deco APP>More>Advanced>NAT Forwarding and enable UPNP to see whether it helped.


If not, I don't have any further suggestions either. You can refer to this link to help me submit the Deco APP log:

How to submit Deco APP log

(please also leave me a message of your TP-link email ID for Deco APP so that I can locate the submitted APP log.)

Thank you very much and best regards.



Re:Deco app on Android not issuing alerts?
2024-05-17 11:51:05

  @David-TP No notifications showing there for connected device alerts.  Earlier today I remotely caused one of the devices I would monitor to disconnect and reboot, and no alerts came through via email nor were they in the notificaitons store.  


I'll try the beta firmware if you're happy that that is definitely compatible with the units I've got.


Thanks again!

Re:Deco app on Android not issuing alerts?
2024-05-20 08:32:20


Hi, thank you for the message.

I see you have updated the Deco M4 to 1.7.0. Did the connection alerts start working as expected?

Best regards.

Re:Deco app on Android not issuing alerts?
2024-05-20 09:57:31

  @David-TP over the weekend the email notifications started working, that was before I updated the F/w this morning.


Since I've updated the firmware I'm still unable to add new alerts though, so I can't test the push notifications.


I'll keep trying to save new alerts (that's the most annoying thing tbh!) and when one finally "sticks" for a device that I want push notifications from I'll post back here.

Re:Deco app on Android not issuing alerts?
2024-05-20 10:21:58
Ok, after about 25 attempts ive now got a device set to alert by push notifications which does go on and off the network frequently. I'll report back if the push notifications start working. So I've got on device set to email, another set to trigger push notifications.
Re:Deco app on Android not issuing alerts?
2024-05-20 14:42:35

  @David-TP OK, now that I've got my wife's phone set up as "offline, online, push notifications" I've had my first "push notification" through since the Android update based on her switching wifi on / off.  So it does seem to be working with the latest version of the Android app and the 1.7.0


Still the really, really fundamental problem is that saving the setting to add an alert is incredibly poor.  I can sit through 20-30 times attempting to make it save, and it won't.  


It is  the only setting that I use the app for which doesn't appear to have an instant effect, the rest of the app / server commands stuff work fine all of the time.  


It's such a handy feature for some of my devices (e.g. my home EV car charger which drops off the wifi randomly without warning, keeping track of my kids arriving home from school, trouble shooting some devices from time to time) that its really frustrating when it can't be easily modified.  



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