Looking for a mesh solution for my apartment

Looking for a mesh solution for my apartment

Looking for a mesh solution for my apartment
Looking for a mesh solution for my apartment
2024-05-04 11:54:36 - last edited 2024-06-07 06:26:32


Hello everyone,


I am looking for a way to cover my apartment by mesh-WiFi with a static LAN cables to some points such as TV/PC/laptop/Camera..


I thought it would be easy but I got confused right now when I saw the One-mesh solutions works with a single router then with either a RE or PLC.. although I had reviewed DECO mesh which doesn't fit me as I mentioned that I need about 7 LAN cables and each DECO have only 2 ports , one of them will be consumed to be wired 


Note : My country still runs internet by DSL 


My plan was : Getting my One-mesh compatible DSL router connected then sending 4 LAN cables from it as follows :


2 LAN : to another two routers/access points to make it Wired not on wireless connection

2 LAN : to 2 TV



Then I will use the 2 other routers to send other Ethernet cables from it to rooms, 2 from each router.


I thought I would be able to run Onemesh on my network ( as all of them will be Onemesh compatible) but I found this in the FAQ which made me confused 


Q10. Can two OneMesh™ routers build a Mesh network?

A10. No. The OneMesh™ router can only be combined with OneMesh™ RE or OneMesh™ PLC to build Mesh networks.

1 Accepted Solution
Re:Looking for a mesh solution for my apartment-Solution
2024-06-07 06:00:25 - last edited 2024-06-07 06:26:32


Hi, Thank you very much for your time and patience.

For OneMesh, it is right that the OneMesh™ router can only be combined with OneMesh™ RE or OneMesh™ PLC to build Mesh networks.

If all routers also support EasyMesh, it allows to use two EasyMesh™ routers to establish a Mesh network.



Actually, I think Deco Mesh systems would work better for your case.

If you need extra Ethernet ports, we could add an unmanaged switch behind the Deco, for example:

Best regards.

Recommended Solution
2 Reply
Re:Looking for a mesh solution for my apartment-Solution
2024-06-07 06:00:25 - last edited 2024-06-07 06:26:32


Hi, Thank you very much for your time and patience.

For OneMesh, it is right that the OneMesh™ router can only be combined with OneMesh™ RE or OneMesh™ PLC to build Mesh networks.

If all routers also support EasyMesh, it allows to use two EasyMesh™ routers to establish a Mesh network.



Actually, I think Deco Mesh systems would work better for your case.

If you need extra Ethernet ports, we could add an unmanaged switch behind the Deco, for example:

Best regards.

Recommended Solution
Re:Looking for a mesh solution for my apartment
2024-06-07 06:24:38

Hello David,
Thanks for your help ! 
I bought Deco x20 recently (the most recent one offerd by tp-link in my country, i know it`s not the best xD) ..
I may have to connect them like this, is this ok ? 
my first plan was to connect them exactly like ur chart but I may not be able to do it because my DSL cable entry point.
