MR3420 hangs
MR3420 hangs
Model : MR3420
Firmware Version:
3.16.9 Build 150319 Rel.60489n
Hardware Version:
MR3420 v2 00000000
Hi, I've a mr3420 v.2.4 connected via WDS repeater to another router (tplink)
Same channel, same password config, etc, no dhcp.
It works well but every 3-4 days it stops working: sometimes is impossible to obtain a valid IP (I get 169...) and I need to reboot the router.
I use this router to control a smart plug (tplink) for my heating plant on vacation, so I can't reboot the router every time it hangs. I need a stable router.
Can anyone helps me?
via wds I can't config ddns or a time server (at every boot it loses the time/date...)
Firmware Version:
3.16.9 Build 150319 Rel.60489n
Hardware Version:
MR3420 v2 00000000
Hi, I've a mr3420 v.2.4 connected via WDS repeater to another router (tplink)
Same channel, same password config, etc, no dhcp.
It works well but every 3-4 days it stops working: sometimes is impossible to obtain a valid IP (I get 169...) and I need to reboot the router.
I use this router to control a smart plug (tplink) for my heating plant on vacation, so I can't reboot the router every time it hangs. I need a stable router.
Can anyone helps me?
via wds I can't config ddns or a time server (at every boot it loses the time/date...)