Router advice.
Hello Everyone. I'm new to the sub. Have done a i guess one would say a fair amount of research. But still need some advice or experiences for a home networking solution.
Background: I live in Germany and have recently bought a Technicolor T C4400 cable modem. I am running an Old TP Link archer c50 as router and WIFI AP. It pretty much covers where i live. a small 100sqm apartment. I dont have much networking Experience other than the really basic stuff. I have a 400/40 internet speed.
The question: Or advice for the matter, what could you recommend as an upgrade to my existing setup. I would prefer a singular solution, i.e. router AP combo. Something like the asus RT-a86u, RT-ac88u, or Netgear x4s R7800. I open to a separate switch AP setup, but i would like nothing too complex.
I have read many recommending the ubiquiti line of products, have watched some videos about it. But i am still unsure what to actually get. From what i understand it i need to buy the the USG(?), switch and the AP. as to which variant, that i am quite unclear what works best with what. Does ubiquiti have a steep learning curve? any alternatives to this setup?
I plan to have at least a very stable wifi coverage at home. The AP would need to serve two tablets, 3 phones, a PS4, which sometimes run my Plex server concurrently. My PC would be connected directly after that.
Thanks in Advance for the help and advice.