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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-12-02 01:15:04
Re:USB attached drive keeps dropping off until I reboot the router
@Kevin_Z Model: Archer C4000 Hardware Version: v3.0 Firmware Version: 1.0.3 Build 20191026 rel.13901(5553)
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-12-01 19:32:05
Re:USB attached drive keeps dropping off until I reboot the router
...and many times, like right, now as I type, trying to login to the online UI is unsuccessful. I now manually have to turn on/off the router in order to gain access to the UI. All this because I...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-12-01 14:44:26
Re:USB attached drive keeps dropping off until I reboot the router
@Paullar Thank you for laying out these details. I have the EXACT same scenario to the T. I am on the C4000.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-12-01 03:57:48
Re:USB attached drive keeps dropping off until I reboot the router
@Kevin_Z I have experienced the same thing with the C4000. I have not tried the AX3200 yet. Is the software/firmware the same for the C4000 & AX3200? When you mean, you need to refresh then access it...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-12-01 03:03:34
Re:Archer C2 - network access cuts off with USB drive attached.
happens to me too with my C4000
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-12-01 03:01:15
Re:USB attached drive keeps dropping off until I reboot the router
Is it still detected by the router even though it is inaccessible? Yes Can you see it on the web UI of the main router? Yes How did you access it? I mapped the drive in windows network When I enable...