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Forums/ Deco
2021-02-08 20:39:32
Re:Deco M5 source signal selectable?
The situation would be almost comical if it didn't affect so many of us. COME ON, this is a so frustrating so very long issue that we've been dealing with. TP-Link: do you seriously even care about...
Forums/ Deco
2021-02-02 21:28:22
Re:Deco M5 source signal selectable?
@David2020 I've been looking for / asking for this feature for so long now! This is really an inconvenience, especially in a house with 30+ connected devices where you want to keep certain of them...
Forums/ Deco
2021-01-19 23:37:20
Firmware upgrade stays on 1.4.2 after adding 2 more nodes (all other 3 are on 1.4.3)
I had 3 Deco M4R installed and they are on 1.4.3 firmware. Today I got 2 new units and installed but after setting them up, both the App and the web interface say they are "on the latest firmware...
Forums/ Deco
2021-01-19 23:28:21
Re:One device (Chromecast with Google TV) doesn't appear on the device list but it IS connected Deco M4
@TP-Link thank you very much for the follow up! Emails have been replied to :)
Forums/ Deco
2021-01-18 01:35:48
One device (Chromecast with Google TV) doesn't appear on the device list but it IS connected Deco M4
Hi! I have this very strange issue when my Chromecast with Google TV (latest generation) connects to the Wireless network but whenever I go into the application (or to the web interface via...
Forums/ Deco
2021-01-12 20:54:31
Re:Deco is not getting signal source from the nearest Deco
@TP-Link this workaround doesn't realy work because if I turn off the main Deco and then wait for a few minutes, when I turn the main deco back on, the farthest away one will always reconnect to it...