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Forums/ Deco
By MackPhoenix62 2019-10-19 07:42:20

Deco M5 source signal selectable?

Is there an optimize command from the Deco App so that Deco slave units find their best signal source? Is the signal source for slave decos selectable from the Deco App?
Forums/ Deco
By Imoq 2021-01-19 23:37:20

Firmware upgrade stays on 1.4.2 after adding 2 more nodes (all other 3 are on 1.4.3)

I had 3 Deco M4R installed and they are on 1.4.3 firmware. Today I got 2 new units and installed but after setting them up, both the App and the web interface say they are "on the latest firmware upgr
Forums/ Deco
By Imoq 2021-01-18 01:35:48

One device (Chromecast with Google TV) doesn't appear on the device list but it IS connected Deco M4

Hi! I have this very strange issue when my Chromecast with Google TV (latest generation) connects to the Wireless network but whenever I go into the application (or to the web interface via http://ip.
Forums/ Deco
By Imoq 2020-12-31 22:17:26

Best use case of "Disable MESH" option and several other questions

I read several threads before posting, and although I now have a bit more of clarity I still want to make sure I understand this correctly. I have 3 Deco M4 units that are set up like this: ----------