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Forums/ WiFi
2024-04-03 18:16:21
Re:TP_TX_VAP SSID on Wifi7 Omada AP's
Thank you for the explanation.
Forums/ WiFi
2024-03-21 14:03:15
TP_TX_VAP SSID on Wifi7 Omada AP's
Anyone familiar with the TP_TX_VAP SSID that is broadcast from the EAP773/783 Wifi7 models? Seems like something that should be hidden at the very least. Figured I would ask here since there is only...
Forums/ WiFi
2021-07-30 19:01:32
Mulit-gig Router/Gateway
Does anyone know if there is a Multi-gig supported router/gateway on the roadmap? With the new Multi-gig switches and AP's the gateway is becoming a bottleneck with ISP's for ISP's supporting over 1G...