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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2016-01-08 15:07:37
C7 running AP
Disable Firewall Disable DHCP on LAN Disable NAT Internet cable goes to LAN1 (or any LAN port) on C7 - and to the main router (Any) LAN port. Set C7 IP to a fixed IP 192.168.X.X Restart both routers...
Forums/ Adapters
2015-08-18 06:20:36
Windows 10 T4UH
From Windows7 64 bit to Windows10 64 bit: After Windows10 was installed I noticed some problems with Explorer while using my NAS drive. I decided to try a driver reinstall. After all Windows10...
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2015-06-14 01:15:46
Re:TD-W9980 crashing: TP-Link need to fix this issue ASAP!
same temp now
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2015-06-13 23:08:34
Re:TD-W9980 crashing: TP-Link need to fix this issue ASAP!
Using an IR dot I measured 40C at the top TOP shell at the middle 40C Bottom on the sticker 50C Disabling uPnP now... Waiting 1 hrs New temp ?
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2015-06-12 06:32:09
Getting too hot ?
Hi I saw the thread and have almost the same problem. Some facts: Danish TDC ISP VDSL2 35/10 Mbit - no WIFI activated via Off switch - (Archer C7 AP connected as LAN1). 9980 does all the NAT,DHCP,...