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Forums/ Controllers
2023-05-12 13:15:27
Re:Tp-Link Omada Portal Background Picture Problem
@Virgo Hi. I post it there. Vote it please! Ιf you can find and other people to vote it I would be grateful to you! Thanks
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2023-05-12 13:13:30
Tp-Link Omada Portal Background Picture PROBLEM
Hi. I have setup the omada system to a cafeteria. They ask me to have a portal to WIFI. I try to insert a background picture, but i notice there is a problem with the picture in PC and mobile...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-05-10 18:01:42
Tp-Link Omada Portal Background Picture Problem
Hi. I have setup the omada system to a cafeteria. They ask me to have a portal to WIFI. I try to insert a background picture, but i notice there is a problem with the picture in PC and mobile...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-03-27 13:57:22
Re:To one AP with 2 SSID and other priority and rate limit.
Hi Sorry i forgot to mention that i have install the omada software controller to my laptop v.5.9.31. I will migrate it after to the oc200. I can set up what you showed me in the omada software?...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-03-27 13:12:18
To one AP with 2 SSID and other priority and rate limit.
Hi I have bought 2 omada devices. for now. One is the : TP-Link TL-ER7206 v1.0TP-Link TL-ER7206 v1.0 The other is : TP-Link EAP610-Outdoor v1.20TP-Link EAP610-Outdoor v1.20 I will buy after one month...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-05-07 10:36:44
TL-ER7206 Max Clients Capacity
Hi. I want to install a full tplink system to a camping with maximum 200 - 300 clients in high season. The devices that i will use are. 10 x TP-LINK EAP225-Outdoor v1 2 x TP-LINK TL-SG2210P v3...