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Forums/ WiFi
2022-08-20 04:02:38
Re:Cannot connect to EAP225
@Virgo @Tedd404 Hello, yes, while I was speaking here with you, I was also communicating with "Tp-link Argentina" and they themselves confirmed that the product they sold me "new" (it's rare), was...
Forums/ WiFi
2022-08-16 16:17:32
Re:Cannot connect to EAP225
@Virgo Have you tried resetting this EAP to try it out? -Yes, I reset with the button. How exactly did you power up this EAP? Did you use the original POE adapter? -Plugging into "white...
Forums/ WiFi
2022-08-14 17:56:49
Cannot connect to EAP225
Hello everyone, it's the first tread! I don't know if it's here, but well... I have the following drama, I want to connect to Eap225 Outdoor but I can't, I connect it to the PC directly (without a...