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Forums/ Routers
2023-01-04 20:12:52
Re:Buggy ER7212PC Router
Hi JDane, This is good news, especially for new customers who want to purchase a very complete router. I have already sent the router back to the supplier 2 weeks ago :-(
Forums/ Routers
2022-12-12 15:04:36
Re:Buggy ER7212PC Router
Hi Somnus, thanks for you're reply.... I have been in contact with a support employee of TP-link, and he told me the same :-( I have send it back to the supplier
Forums/ Routers
2022-12-11 15:44:25
Buggy ER7212PC Router
The hardware is nice, The software is not working or is not communicating properly with the hardware if I create a new subnet (completely different from the default lan) under lan and set it to port...