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Forums/ Routers
2024-05-01 11:10:25
ER707-M2 v1.0 - Bugs/Winge
There is a bug....... and a semi annoyance. So.... ER707-M2 running 1.2.2 firmware. Now I know IDS kills your speed, thats fine..... so I had mine scheduled to only run between 1am-8am (when I am...
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2024-03-02 04:28:22
My Two Cents - Omada/Routers - Requested Changes and Features
Changes/Features Requested: 1. Fix WireGuard: Lock adding a users subnet to 32 so you cannot get it wrong. 2. Fix WireGuard: Fix how it works so you can just export the config to send to a client...
Forums/ Routers
2024-02-29 13:14:35
WireGuard - All Routers & Omada
WireGuard. TPLink can you please get your act together on this. We spent a few hours at work the other day trying to get this sorted, we read your guides around the internet. We gave up and setup an...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-02-12 10:42:33
Re:Omada SDN Controller_V5.13.30 Pre-release (Updated on Feb 7th, 2024)
Can I just say the difference between the Linux Omada Controller or Windows and the OC200 is nothing. There's an insinuation that by using something with more power you can use IDS/DPI without such a...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-02-09 23:54:35
Re:Omada SDN Controller_V5.13.30 Pre-release (Updated on Feb 7th, 2024)
Can we please make it a priority for TPLINK to make the config file transferable to ANY controller........ So if I want to switch between my OC200, Windows, Linux ........... that it just WORK when I...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-02-07 10:05:36
Re:Omada SDN Controller_V5.13.30 Pre-release (Updated on Feb 7th, 2024)
Seriously how do they not fix a bug I've reported like a month or two ago on a new firmware???? Known Clients -> Sort by Download........... MAC ADDRESS DOES NOT MATCH CLIENT! Omada Pre Release...