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Forums/ WiFi
2024-03-03 13:31:22
Re:What is best options for running a cabled connection in extension of an access point
@KJK thanks. makes sense. I have only gotten myself involved in networking to the extend that I need it to get it going in my house. Hence some of the beginner questions :)
Forums/ WiFi
2024-03-03 11:32:37
Re:What is best options for running a cabled connection in extension of an access point
The idea by having the computer connected by cable is to have a more stabile connection. I experience by video calls that sometimes the signal get unstabile. If I as you suggest buy another access...
Forums/ WiFi
2024-03-03 11:29:50
Re:What is best options for running a cabled connection in extension of an access point
So installing a second switch on location of my access point and then from there connect both existing and new access point? Can I get a small switch powered by PoE? so I dont have run power? which...
Forums/ WiFi
2024-03-02 15:10:25
What is best options for running a cabled connection in extension of an access point
Hello, So I have a small Omada setup in my home consisting of an OC200 controller and 2 access points EAP653, both connected by cable from OC200. Now - I want to have a cabled connection that starts...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-02-24 11:46:52
Re:Connect to specific access points
@MR.S made it work
Forums/ Controllers
2024-02-23 13:42:20
Connect to specific access points
Hello, I have a home setup with 2 x EAP653 access points. My laptop keeps connecting the access point furthest away in the house, rendering me with a boggy connection. Is there a way to set up the...