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Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2023-11-28 11:43:29
Re:Page with Remaining traffic for the portal client after authorization
@Hank21 Also a feature to check the remaining time of the voucher used by the client.
Forums/ Controllers
2023-11-12 11:59:54
Set FQDN to Omada Captive Portal
Good day, I would like to ask how to set FQDN to Captive Portal instead of the IP address of the controller. Thank you.
Forums/ WiFi
2023-11-10 01:49:48
Re:Please enter an IP address or a domain.
@Hank21 we run our own Omada Software Controller on a Virtual Private Server (Ubuntu) with connect(dot)awifistation(dot)network:8043. Why is it connect(dot)awifistation(dot)network not a valid...
Forums/ WiFi
2023-11-09 07:35:31
Re:Please enter an IP address or a domain.
@Hank21 Here is a proof that the domain is pointing to working controller inform url/ip. You can try to input the domain name on a EAP Device. It will say that it is not a valid Domain Name/URL.
Forums/ WiFi
2023-11-09 05:52:33
Re:Please enter an IP address or a domain.
@Hank21 Yes, I have a working controller (Cloud hosted) but everytime I want to inform EAP device using the domain name the error appears. But if I use the IP( it works.
Forums/ WiFi
2023-11-08 08:34:52
Please enter an IP address or a domain.
I have a valid domain and I want to add/set my EAPs Controller Inform URL but it says "Please enter an IP address or a domain). Thank you.