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Forums/ Deco
2 weeks ago
Enabale Guest wifi makes system crash
Everytime i enable the guest wifi it makes the system crash and it needs a full restart. i am sick of all these bugs in the deco systems! restart, re install etc. Bugs stay, for this amount of money...
Forums/ Deco
2024-02-08 13:43:20
Re:Deco APP 3.5.43/3.5.27 with a New Client List UI
@ImtiazAli o yes, i have also iot network, but is now called: 'other' for some unclear reason. as you enable guest wifi, you wil find to see behind both buttons, main and guest exactly the same...
Forums/ Deco
2024-02-06 15:14:25
Re:Deco APP 3.5.43/3.5.27 with a New Client List UI
@ImtiazAli hi, this topic is about client list. You also have problems with it? I have never seen 3 buttons which show exactly the same 🤔... you can not even filter different. Maybe i am stupid, but...
Forums/ Deco
2023-12-19 06:59:30
Re:Extra SSD
@David-TP good morning, thanks for the tip, will try that! Will it be possible in future to add extra SSD's ? Also layout has not changed back to main/iot/guest and filtering changes all to the same...
Forums/ Deco
2023-12-15 14:43:12
Re:Deco APP 3.5.43/3.5.27 with a New Client List UI
@betelgeuse and still with new update... i can not even sort the main, other and guest different! I thougt i do main on network type and other on ip, but they both change in the same, useless!...
Forums/ Deco
2023-12-15 14:30:56
Extra SSD
Hi, Is it possible to add extra SSD in which devices can connect with each other, but not with the main SSD. and i don't mean guest or iot. For example i want for my kids a network, so they can...