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Forums/ Deco
By JSTM 2 weeks ago

Enabale Guest wifi makes system crash

Everytime i enable the guest wifi it makes the system crash and it needs a full restart. i am sick of all these bugs in the deco systems! restart, re install etc. Bugs stay, for this amount of money i
Forums/ Deco
By JSTM 2023-12-15 14:30:56

Extra SSD

Hi, Is it possible to add extra SSD in which devices can connect with each other, but not with the main SSD. and i don't mean guest or iot. For example i want for my kids a network, so they can contro
Forums/ Deco
By JSTM 2023-11-28 11:12:52

Enter web interface iot device

Hi, i need to do some settings on the web interface of my heating pump. Since it is on the iot network, i can not enter it. Not from the main and not from the Iot network connected. It is not possible
Forums/ Deco
By David-TP 2023-09-22 03:52:28

Deco APP 3.5.43/3.5.27 with a New Client List UI

Deco App Version: 3.5.43 for iOS 3.5.27 for Android Release Notes: 1. Provide a fresh and improved Client List UI for better usability. 2. Implement a Password strength indication feature to help user
Forums/ Deco
By JSTM 2023-10-20 13:54:09

Last app update overview X50 V1.20

Hi, Allthough i use Deco's a few years now, i am new at the forum. I started with M4 set and soon i upgraded to X20, much faster and everything was fine. then i got glass fiber at my home, so the spee