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Forums/ Routers
2023-11-07 19:29:15
Re:Creating a Site to Site Open VPN client connection to use my VPN provider (Privado)
Upgrading the Firmware to 2.2 fixed the issue, and gave the missing user creds setting in the VPN profile, once that ewere also set everything worked. ThanksThansk again for all your help
Forums/ Routers
2023-11-07 18:25:24
Re:Creating a Site to Site Open VPN client connection to use my VPN provider (Privado)
Thanks for the advice I will check what you have mentioned.. I will also update the firmware to the latest public release. Will report back results Thanks again
Forums/ Routers
2023-11-03 18:59:34
Creating a Site to Site Open VPN client connection to use my VPN provider (Privado)
Hi All, I Need help setting up a Client to Site Open VPN to use my VPN provider (Privado), i have follow the instructions and everything says successful but VPN doesnt appear to do anything, when i...