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Forums/ Kasa Smart Thermostat
2024-01-17 11:23:14
Re:Smart Thermostat Wont turn off radiator
@Wayne-TP TP-Link support have just confirmed that they believe the device to be faulty and to return it to Amazon for an exchange. Nothing they can do to repair!
Forums/ Kasa Smart Thermostat
2024-01-16 16:04:59
Re:Smart Thermostat Wont turn off radiator
@Wayne-TP Thx, as I say above, I have 4 of these thermostats, two of which on rads with the same valves and adapters, I can move this faulty thermostat to the other room with the same valves \...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Thermostat
2024-01-15 22:47:53
Re:Smart Thermostat Wont turn off radiator
@Henryshelley nothing yet, I've opened a case with TPLink, so far the advice has been factory reset and then calibrate, all of which I have already done, will see what they come back with tomorrow! I...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Thermostat
2024-01-11 17:18:01
Smart Thermostat Wont turn off radiator
Hello Folks, I installed 4 KE100 thermostats yesterday and connected them to the Smart Hub, all seem to be working ok except 1, for some reaon it is reporting a temperature of 29 degrees and will not...