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Forums/ Controllers
2024-03-04 11:54:00
Re:Constant Incorrect Time
@Virgo Thanks for the reply. None of these suggestions worked. 1. Ensure the OC200 can get Internet access Confirmed . no issue with internet connectivty. Controller can reach outside services. 2....
Forums/ Routers
2024-03-04 11:31:36
Re:WAN Drop Outs
@Clive_A Hi. Thanks for the reply. From some further analysis and finding some related postings, it's starting to feel like an issue with the IP being refreshed from the modem. Each time the drop out...
Forums/ Routers
2024-02-18 19:15:27
Re:WAN Drop Outs
@Clive_A thanks, but this doesn't seem like an ISP issue. The ER605 is connected to a Nokia 5G modem mounted in a fixed location. When the WAN connection drops on the ER605, I connect to the 5G modem...
Forums/ Routers
2024-02-12 10:37:33
WAN Drop Outs
At least once a week (often more), WAN connection will drop. Either I have to log into the dashboard and click disconnect / connect, or I have to power cycle the controller OC200v1 and router. Often...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-02-12 10:17:01
Constant Incorrect Time
Every couple of days the time in the controller seems to get stuck and go backwards by a few days. Screen below taken just now despite the controllers settings that are supposed to set time with NTP....