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Forums/ Tapo Smart Hub
2024-09-10 22:39:34
tapo hub and their tapo devices doesn't showup in matter
Okay I have LG TV which supports matter ,tried to add matter devices it says do it from lg tv app ,now went to LG TV app-other brands -selected Matter and it says enter QR code or enter setup code ,I...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Switch
2024-09-08 19:57:59
Re:differences between s200D and s200B
@Wayne-TP so it's same but with backplate as both does have exactly same features except the naming
Forums/ Tapo Smart Switch
2024-07-20 11:21:38
differences between s200D and s200B
Im thinking of buying the switch ,but confused why there are two models ,which is one better ? And what are their comparisons?
Forums/ Tapo Smart Hub
2024-05-06 05:34:34
Re:Tapo HuB H200 not showing in LG iot dashboard
@Wayne-TP all the iot devices connected to the internet ,i can ring the bell and get mobile notification on devices even when im outside ,here what i did correct me if im wrong , uninstalled and...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Hub
2024-05-03 10:03:20
Re:Tapo HuB H200 not showing in LG iot dashboard
@Wayne-TP yes i did not see h200 device on lg thinq app ,but whats the point of having H200 its just a device which caters to other main devices like doorbells right
Forums/ Tapo Smart Hub
2024-04-28 12:59:13
Tapo HuB H200 not showing in LG iot dashboard
I have H200 with doorbell and two sensors connected to tapo,i have added them on lg thinq but it doesn't show anywhere but it says its already added ,on my lg tv iot dashboard it doesnt showup for...