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Forums/ Tapo Smart Cameras
2024-06-06 22:35:40
Re:Tapo C520WS ONVIF motion detection not working
Hi, I helped test the beta firmware and was able to confirm that ONVIF motion detection works properly in the beta version. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the technical support...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Cameras
2024-05-08 21:35:30
Re:Tapo C520WS ONVIF motion detection not working
@Solla-topee Thank you for your reply! >1. Is the motion detection feature working when using the Tapo app? Yes. The motion detection feature is working in the Tapo app. Tapo app >2. Can you watch...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Cameras
2024-05-07 22:34:50
Tapo C520WS ONVIF motion detection not working
Hello. I am using Tapo C520WS connected to QVR Pro 2.5 of QNAP TS-264. I've tried various things and ONVIF motion detection doesn't seem to work. Of course, motion detection is turned on in the Tapo...