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Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
3 weeks ago
Re:WPA3 Only Option
@reynhartono As of today, neither my Samsung A54 Android nor iOS devices will connect to Omada Wi-Fi6 all citing the "WPA3 Required" error message, despite the WPA3/WPA3/WPA option selected for all...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-05-20 21:27:58
Re:New Wireless Network Defaults to ALL Access Points??
@Fae Thank you so much for your kind response!! I really appreciate the tip
Forums/ Controllers
2024-05-16 20:32:41
New Wireless Network Defaults to ALL Access Points??
I have 6 access points on my current Omada network. Everything is great; I am really loving it! I plan to expand out to many more AP's with only one or two APs with the same SSID. It seems whenever I...