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Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2 weeks ago
Re:C500 movable camera sharing
That was the first thing i told you "i have done that" More instructions 97 people have voted Is there anyone else for support?
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2 weeks ago
Re:C500 movable camera sharing
@Solla-topee I have done that. Why do you always show me the instructions? You knew what I was looking since you mentioned the feature request Not likely to happen has the "feature request" is from...
Forums/ Feature Requests
2 weeks ago
RE:grant/deny permissions for a shared device
Yes this is a must, shared uses should not be able to move the camera
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
3 weeks ago
C500 movable camera sharing
When sharing any of the movable cameras like c500 etc Why are you letting anyone you've shared with to move the camera as with any of the other settings they are locked out Don't see any option to...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2024-10-17 20:15:20
Re:Tapo C120 not updating firmware
@Solla-topee I have two c120s One of them is still on 1.2.1 The other is on 1.2.2 which isn't on the firmware release note page, when not on the home network, ie 4g it will say offline Until you get...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2024-10-04 10:39:56
Connection dropping / brightness overexposure
Hopefully soon there will be an update for the connection drop outs on the C120 as it also stops the recording Comparing that to the c110 when that happened very rare occasion, it still recorded....