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Forums/ WiFi
2020-07-18 23:43:42
Re:Configurable names for clients show in EAP controller
Renaming works well, thank you TP-Link :-) One confusing issue I had was that my EAP245 v3 APs were on version 2.4.0, automatic update didn't detect an update and the latest FW on website was 2.20.0...
Forums/ WiFi
2020-06-24 22:06:21
Re:Configurable names for clients show in EAP controller
Hi @kross , is there any chance something similar can be done on OC-200 hardware controller?
Forums/ WiFi
2020-05-19 22:56:38
Re:Configurable names for clients show in EAP controller
+1 for adding this feature to the regular Omada controller. Cheap basic routers have it, can't imagine how an enterprise grade solution hasn't.