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Forums/ Deco
2020-07-30 11:07:45
Re:Fixed IP address for the second Deco M4 device
@TP-Link_Deco Hi, yes a want to set a fix IP address to the second Deco M4 device. My OCD needs to fix this IP address . The second Deco M4 use DHCP address asigment but it isn't listed in the DHCP...
Forums/ Deco
2020-07-30 11:02:40
Re:Access to bridge modem Web GUI
@TP-Link_Deco Hi, so there isn't a way to access from the Deco M4 wireless network? I've to unplug the Deco M4 device from the modem and plug a PC directly to it? Regards
Forums/ Deco
2020-07-28 09:40:58
Fixed IP address for the second Deco M4 device
Hi, i want to set a fixed ip address to mi second Deco M4 device. I can't find the way to configure the IP address of this device neither through the web GUI nor the Android app. Even i've tried to...
Forums/ Deco
2020-07-28 09:28:58
Access to bridge modem Web GUI
Hi. I'm traing to get access to mi ADSL modem Web Gui. The modem is connected to the Deco M4 in "pure bridge" mode and the Deco M4 internet access is configured as PPPoE. The internet connection...