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Forums/ Routers
By Fuzzy_EA 2022-03-10 17:53:08

Software Controler

I have updated this unit to the latest firmware and have the newest version of the controller installed and running. The router is fully configured currently using the webportal for the router. The co
Forums/ Routers
By TL-R605 2022-03-09 16:10:19

TL-R605 Policy based routing

Hi Guy's, I'm new to this and i'm pretty happy with my new TL-R605. I saw this cool feature that you are able to do some policy routing. This seems pretty cool to me and i want to apply that. How ever
Forums/ Controllers
By Fuzzy_EA 2022-03-09 14:41:57

Disable NAT

Failover on these is very hard on internal devices with already established streams. Basically it is a terrible experience unless you reboot the devices, force a wifi reassociation, or reboot the rout