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Forums/ Routers
By tklyn 2023-07-10 03:54:45

ER605 disconnected from OC200

updated my ER605 v6 to latest firmware and after an hour or so it disconnects from the controller both are on the latest firmware ER605_V2_2.2.0 Build 20230629 OC200(UN)_V2/V2.6_2.9.3 Build 20230328
Forums/ Controllers
By victor.feng 2023-02-14 03:46:24

controller oc200 update V5.8.4

May I ask when oc200 will update the firmware to v5.8, I need to use "Full mode for OpenVPN" I use it with router Model: ER605 (TL-R605) Hardware Version: V1 Firmware Version: 1.2.1 Bulid 20220512 Re