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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By dusk3dawn 13 hours ago

(BUG) AX73 No Whitelist, No QoS, No Parental, No Live Bandwidth Usage (Tether App)

I just buy and update AX73 V2 (US) using Firmware 1.1.1 Build 20241031 rel.70279(5553). I found 3 issue: 1. Access List Whitelist Not Work Advance > Security > Access Control I enable Access Control.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By Kevin_Z 2023-07-31 02:49:30

Wi-Fi Routers Support DoH and DoT Network

Good news! We are happy to announce that there is new official firmware rolling out for multiple routers, including the BE, AX, and AC series, which adds DoH and/or DoT. Welcome to upgrade and install
Forums/ Routers
By AjaySharma 2023-02-21 12:55:29

ER605 Port forwarding not Working

Hi, Previously i was using TP link Archer C64, C1200, C80 & AX1500 configured as access point to same wired lan and i was able to port forward RDP to a custom port on my Server, able to access it from