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Forums/ Routers
By ThiagoGuedes 2023-07-29 18:41:58

ER8411 - Slow Speed in SFP+ Port w/ TPLink Transceivers

Hello folks, So I'm having really slow download speeds with the ER8411 when using TP Link SFP+ TL-SM5310-T. For reference, the same happened with a Wiitek module as well. Here some details: ER8411 FW
Forums/ Routers
By Morm 2023-07-26 22:04:25

ER8411 - Force Fan on option?

Hi Does anyone know a way to force the fans to be on on the ER8411? Or know at what temperature the fans come on? We have the router in a warm environment and with 2 SFP+ in use the router gets quite
Forums/ Routers
By Morm 2023-07-17 20:01:09

ER8411 -issue with Port Forwarding throughput and device feedback

I have an issue where the performance of the port forwading seems to have an slow troughput problem on the ER8411. Any firmware version (have just installed the beta too) I have a 1Gbit / 1Gbit WAN li