Tapo Smart Camera
2 weeks ago
C325WB different cloud and mem card recordings
Hi, could someone explain why cloud recording shows 27s person + 4s motion recording and memory card 1min 46s person + motion for same event? I couldn't find any clip length settings like in C420.
Tapo Smart Sensor
2023-10-25 17:47:37
Temperature reading in Smarthings default
Would it be possible to have temperature as default when using Smarthings? Now it shows only humidity in the "card" for quick view. On TV set, the card cannot be opened so temp is not available at all
Tapo Smart Sensor
2023-09-22 15:41:29
H200 hub and T310 sensors not recovering internet break
Why the hub does not recover internet connection 1. From periodic booting 2. Isp break outside of home network? All other devices including P115 plugs does. We had an hour service break one night 2am
Tapo Smart Sensor
2023-09-06 17:28:37
T310 can be controlled only locally and claims unstable network
Hi, I purchased two T310 and installed them without any problem. Also Firmware was updated to 1.5.0. Then I purchased two more T310 sensors from another dealer, both same HW version as the first ones.
Tapo Smart Camera
2023-08-05 12:23:58
TAPO C420S2 person detection not working
Hello, just installed C420 camera outside. Wakeup setting is at the MAX (10) and movement sensivity at MAX (10). No way, only cars are detected on the road, but not the person. Angle is very good. How
Tapo Smart Camera
2023-08-29 11:33:55
Spotlights permanently off?
Is it possible to not use the spotlights at all during night?