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Forums/ Routers
By bonestaak 2024-05-03 17:22:34

router omada 605 how to insert another dns (pi hole adres)

I have a pi hole dns server on my Qnap now i want to insert a dns adres in the router. How do i do that with Omada? My Pi hole is on On my Mac mini i always can edit dns, no problem and wo
Forums/ Switches
By bonestaak 2024-04-20 13:41:56

How do i change switch ip adres to static?

I just have adopted some Omada devices to my OC200 and some devices i can change the dynamic ip to static but when i select the switch sg2428p i see no option to change the ip adres?
Forums/ Controllers
By bonestaak 2024-04-20 11:48:16

OC200 reset!!

I have bought some Omada devices, so also OC200 I started app Omada, but when scanned it say's device is offline so i put in the code, but it keeps the same. I tried severe times reset, most of the ti
Forums/ Switches
By bonestaak 2024-03-16 18:08:44

Omada software controller on Qnap

I just bought a T1600G-28ps and i tried to install Omada software controller on my Qnap 453, Too bad it said: please install Apache82 first. On the qnap store there was only 83, i installed Apache83 a