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Forums/ Switches
By SasoC Wednesday

Understanding ACL on SG3428X-M2 - still getting lost

After posting this and thinking that I understand at least something about switch ACLs I'm stuck at this scenario: I have VLAN 20 and VLAN 60 and they must be mutually completely isolated with two exc
Forums/ Switches
By SasoC 2 weeks ago

Understanding ACL on SG3428X-M2

I have SG3428X-M2 L2+ switch with V1.20 firmware. I managed to create VLANs, specific DHCP IP ranges for VLANs and I think I understand this. Then I start digging into switch ACL with purpose to isola
Forums/ Switches
By SasoC 2024-04-03 15:37:39

VLAN specific IPs from DHCP in TL-SG3428X-M2

I created multiple VLANs on the switch. Then I enabled DHCP server and created pools. What I want that client personal computers get IP address from DHCP server depending on VLAN (ie: PCs connected to