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Forums/ Controllers
By L2K 2024-05-23 16:22:09

Password requirements/failures

I've been setting up accounts on various TP-Link devices and sites and the passwords I use are generally mixed case and special characters 24 characters long. Seems that the devices accept these passw
Forums/ Controllers
By L2K 2024-05-23 16:14:28

Nightly Optimization

I have found the optimization pages and can do optimization manually but where is the option for automatic/nightly or the scheduler for this? I see it mentioned in other guides/on the forum but as alw
Forums/ Controllers
By L2K 2024-05-23 08:46:20

Unable to update when behind reverse proxy

Several issues compounded here. I have an EAP653 and an ER605 added to a site. The controller showed 'device update available' but kept failing and the error says the port is not open, which is nonsen
Forums/ WiFi
By L2K 2024-05-18 08:37:57

Unable to Adopt AP in Omada Software Controller

I purchased some Omada APs to set up a test lab before switching wholesale from Unifi. So far I have not been able to adopt the AP. The Omada Controller is "cloud/VPS hosted" and with the Unifi device